Sony is working on ability to change PSN namenaam

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Sony appears to be making it possible to change usernames on PlayStation Network, and plans to introduce this functionality next year. Many users have had the ability to change their PSN name for some time now on their wish list.

Shawn Layden, who heads the division that the PlayStation is part of at Sony, said in an interview on PlayStation Experience that a way to change the username on PlayStation Network is being worked on, GameSpot notes. However, he gave no concrete promises on when this should be possible, other than work is underway to make it possible within a year.

Layden states that the technical implementation of changing the PSN name is “more complex than you might think”. What he means by that is not clear; details about the technical background were not given in the interview. Incidentally, in recent years more Sony employees have announced that it is difficult to implement name changes.

PSN has been around for about eleven years now, so many users have had the same name for their account for a long time. Many users have asked Sony to make it possible to change the name, for example because their name no longer suits them.

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