Sony is considering releasing more PlayStation games for PC

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Sony may be releasing more PlayStation games for PC. The manufacturer wants to do this to increase the profitability of the Sony Interactive Entertainment business. Sony also says it will release more PlayStation exclusives.

In its 2020 Corporate Report, Sony writes that SIE is investigating the release of more PlayStation games for PC. Sony does not yet provide concrete details about which games may come to the PC. This year Horizon Zero Dawn came out for Windows. Sony’s own studio Guerrilla Games has made that game and it is the first time that such a PlayStation exclusive is also released for the PC. The game was released for Sony consoles back in 2017.

According to the company report, the goal of releasing PlayStation games on PC is to increase the profitability of Sony Interactive Entertainment. That is the business unit that Sony’s game studios fall under.

The report also states that Sony will accelerate the improvement and release of its own PlayStation games. With this, the manufacturer wants to put the PlayStation brand even more firmly on the map and persuade gamers to buy a console. Sony says it will place more emphasis on ‘user involvement’ by offering games in different genres and formats. SIE cites interactive experiences such as virtual reality as an example.

The PlayStation games that Sony has made by its own studios are often very successful. This was evident from the most recent quarterly figures. In the past quarter, Sony sold 18.5 million games made by its own studios. The Last of Us: Part II and Ghost of Tsushima in particular were sold a lot.

So far, only Horizon Zero Dawn has been released for the PC. More PlayStation games can be played on Windows and macOS via streaming via the PlayStation Now subscription. That way, PC gamers can play titles such as The Last of Us, Uncharted and Bloodborne. However, those games are not optimized for the PC.

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