‘Sony hackers had help from within’
The attackers who allegedly broke into Sony Pictures systems say they had help from within. One of the hackers says he set up the attack to achieve ‘equality’, although it is unclear what he means by that.
In an email to technology site The Verge, one of the hackers says that “we worked with other employees to get in.” This indicates that the hackers have had help from Sony employees or even work for Sony themselves, The Verge concludes. The attacker says he carried out the attack from the point of view of ‘equality’. “We want equality, Sony does not,” said the hacker.
On Monday, it came to light that systems from Sony Pictures, the branch of Sony that makes films and TV series, had been hacked. Desktops of employees worldwide would have become unusable as a result. The hackers demand that Sony meet certain conditions, although it is unclear which ones. Sony has not yet confirmed the hack, and only wants to indicate that there is an ‘IT problem’.