Sony gives PlayStation 4 support for 4TB HDDs

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The 3.50 update that Sony released this week contains some unannounced changes. For example, the update brings support for 4TB HDDs to the console and in-game music playback from USB storage is enabled again.

The 3.50 firmware update for the PlayStation 4 came out on Wednesday, and the main feature that the software brings to the console is Remote Play on Windows and Mac computers. Users have since discovered numerous minor side effects that Sony has not communicated, according to a review from Kotaku and Reddit. For example, the console supports a maximum storage amount of 4TB from 3.50, so that users who, for example, store a lot of game videos, no longer run into the 2TB limit.

In addition, music playback from USB storage without having to interrupt a game has been re-enabled. Sony has an explanation about this on its site. Users can also disable the pop-up notifications that the PS4 displayed when a screenshot was taken. In addition, it is possible to set a limit to the number of participants in a party, from a minimum of two to a maximum of eight players. Finally, the network test would now show accurate results; previously this was not always the case due to a bug.

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