Download Zoom Player 14.5

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Inmatrix has released version 14.5 of the media player Zoom Player. Zoom Player is available in Free and Max flavors. The price for a Max license is just under thirty euros. on this page the different versions are compared. The changelog for this release can be found below.

what’s new:

  • Extended video streaming support for the following websites:
    • Facebook (
    • Vimeo (
    • Dailymotion (
    • UK (
    • LiveLeak (
    • (
    • Veoh (
    • eBaum’s World (
    • (
    • Team Four Star (
    • GodTube (
    • (
    • Daily HaHa (
    • (
    • Bofunk (
      Some sites (eg facebook) may require you to enable the extended analysis mode for the 3DYD filter through the Zoom Player Install Center.
  • Automatic fullscreen navigation skin switching based on the display’s aspect ratio.
    For example, by specifying a 16:10 and selected a Zoom Player navigation skin designed for 16:10 displays. (eg from here)
    Note: Skin switching is currently only triggered when opening a navigation interface.
  • media library scraping plugin has been enhanced and can now return non-english meta-data (texts and images).
  • The playlist editor (when using the default Onyx skin or the bundled Alba skin) now draws alternating line highlights making the playlist easier to track visually.
  • The playlist editor’s right-click menu now features Colorize actions that let you easily color-code track(s) text and background colors. The color information is automatically saved and restored when using Zoom Player’s default ZPL format playlists.
  • New “PlayListData/Background2” skin script parameter that specifies the alternating playlist editor line highlight color.
  • New “Thumb rendering threads” setting (Adv. Options / Interface / Fullscreen Navigation / Thumb View) to specify the number of CPU threads used to render the thumbview display.
    Previously, this setting was hard-coded to use 2 threads, but now you can specify any value from “Auto” to “16”.
    Auto mode uses either 2 or 3 threads depending on your PC, but performance can be improved further with additional threads on systems containing many cores or high bandwidth RAM.
  • New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback) that automatically tries to use the YouTube IFRAME player if DirectShow playback of a YouTube stream fails.
  • New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback / Controls): “Next / Previous Track” plays the next/prev media in the same folder if playlist contains 1 file.
    This function behind this setting was previously always enabled. This setting remains enabled by default, but from now you can disable this behavior from the advanced options dialog.
  • New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback / Controls) to mute the audio when enabling Slow Motion or Fast Play.
  • New Setting (Adv. Options / Fullscreen Navigation / Customization) to force the navigation list or thumb view to maximum width.
    Unlike the “full width” setting, this setting will make the navigation list area take the display device’s maximum resolution, which can cause some cosmetic issues (like the thumbnail highlight getting cropped).
  • New “Support folders as playlist entries” Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / Playlist). This setting was previously hardcoded and is still enabled by default to support advanced playlist functionality.
    However, supporting folders as playlist entries triggers a spun-down HDD drive to spin back up when a playlist is loaded. With this new setting disabled, you can now prevent drives from accidentally spinning up.
  • The advanced playlist control (accessible through the playlist editor or by pressing “J”) now shows the number of items remaining in the playlist as the search filters the playlist.
  • New “Refresh” option (Media Library Category Editor / Configure Category) for YouTube channels and RSS Streams that refreshes the channel’s Name & Thumbnail.
  • New “exVidMoveHorz” and “exVidMoveVert” extended functions that move the video area (fullscreen) or player window (when not in fullscreen) horizontally and vertically.
    Command line usage example: zplayer.exe /exfunc:exvidmovehorz,-200 /exfunc:exvidmovevert,-100
  • New “fnToggleOverlayCover” function to toggle the “Video covers entire display area” setting on and off.


  • Optimized the Media Library’s thumbnail drawing code, increasing update speed and smoothness.
  • The Maximum number of scraping threads used by the media library has increased from 8 to 16.
  • The advanced playlist control’s filter search was searching the entire playlist on each letter pressed, this caused a sluggish user experience when dealing with very larger playlists (over 30,000 entries).
    To enhance the user experience, the search action is now only performed 350-400ms after the last key-stroke, ensuring that the user interface does not stall while typing.
  • When a media library scraped movie did not contain a backdrop image, the default background image is now used instead of a black screen.
  • Zoom Player now does a better job at extracting album art images from media files if the JPEG image contains junk in front of the actual image.
  • The Install Center now includes two configuration profiles for the 3DYD YouTube Source filter that enable HD/4K streaming.
  • Visualization are now supported when the 3DYD YouTube Source filter is set to “audio only” output.
  • The Command & Control API now notifies when subtitles are enabled/ disabled when using the “fnToggleSub” and “fnDisableDVDsub” functions.
  • Updated the PNG and zLib libraries to newer versions.


  • scraper plugin is now functional again after the API used by the site moved to encrypted communication (https), breaking backward compatibility.
  • media library scraper can now better handle artist names containing the “-” character, for example “Alt-J – This Is All Yours” will now properly scrape.
  • Starting Zoom Player with the “Do not check if a file exists when adding to the playlist” setting enabled no longer triggers spun-down HDD drives to spin-up.
  • The GuardDog feature tried to restart Zoom Player if Zoom Player’s load time was taking too long (due to HDD drive spin-ups or a network drive reconnection), from now the guard dog feature will only start functioning once Zoom Player has finished loading.
  • When viewing the media library’s TV/Movie in JukeBox mode, the backdrop images was not scaled and cropped properly on non-16:9 displays (eg 1920×1200 monitor) leaving black bars instead of filling with the backdrop.
  • Kinetic scrolling in the media library did not work well using a mouse cursor, stopping when attempting to scroll multiple times while the kinetic movement was still in mid process.
  • Fixed a possible scraper freeze (could have caused slow-downs on exit or more rarely, a player freeze) when used in combination with the “Scrape using media derived title (instead of file name)” category setting.
  • The Media Library’s Jukebox mode would not enable if the only file in the folder was a playlist.
  • Fixed a case where a media library scraped movie not containing a backdrop image showed a backdrop from another movie.
  • When the “Scrape using media derived title (instead of file name)” category setting was enabled, under some conditions, the media’s thumbnail would not display after closing and reopening the media library.
  • Playing media that contained certain special characters in the media’s title caused multiple unplayable entries to appear in the play history.
  • If a media title contained a ‘line feed’ or ‘return’ characters, it would corrupt the play history.
  • With the “Adv. Options / Interface / Position & Size – Auto-Size User Interface to maintain Video Aspect Ratio (when resizing)” setting enabled, playing audio files with folder/album art could cause Zoom Player’s main window to display partially off- screen.
  • The latest version of mediainfo DLL changed how it extracts cover art for audio files, breaking Zoom Player support for displaying the album art with some audio formats (mainly M4A).
  • Better album art image extraction from audio files with ID3v2 TAGs when the image header included some junk data.
  • When opening a media file by double-clicking from explorer (or other file managers), the currently playing track wouldn’t highlight correctly and show the playing position in the playlist editor.
  • Using the “Stop” function while a JPEG/PNG image was loading, combined with a setting that closes the playing media when using the “Stop” function, caused the image to remain on screen under some conditions.
  • Double-clicking an entry on the skin selection dialog could sometimes trigger an access violation error.
  • When opening the playlist editor, under some conditions the bottom entries would not show up until the playlist screen was refreshed by a click or scroll.
  • The “&” character wasn’t showing up in the playlist editor.
  • Pressing under the last item in the playlist editor did not visually select the last item in the list. Then if you pressed the “Enter” key, it would start playing the last item in the playlist which was a bit confusing without the visual cue of a selected entry.
  • Fixed a crash when trying to play a video file with too many external audio tracks. External audio tracks are now limited to a maximum of 10 tracks.
  • When the “Force the navigation list or thumb view display to full width” setting was enabled in combination with the “Use dynamically visible scroll bar” setting, the thumbnail would not highlight correctly.
  • Zoom Player will no longer try running MediaInfo.dll when playing a URL, removing the ‘unknown error’ message from the play information dialogs.
  • Using the “^” character in a file name to force the media library scraper to ignore any text after this character did not work properly in some cases.
  • The “Mute audio during forward and backward seeks” setting was muting audio when attempting to seek forward/backward in a live stream even in cases where seeking was not possible.

The following downloads are available:
Zoom Player Free 14.5
Zoom Player Max 14.5

Version number 14.5
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website Inmatrix
File size


License type Freeware/Paid
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