Download Zend Framework 1.9.0 Beta

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Zend released a beta of Zend Framework 1.9.0 late last week. This framework focuses on facilitating the design, writing and maintenance of php applications. To make this possible, various APIs from Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Yahoo and Flickr have been integrated into Zend Framework, among others. Furthermore, the program contains search functionality, and support for ajax and for RSS and atom syndication. The corresponding announcement looks like this:

Zend Framework 1.9.0 Beta Now Available

The Zend Framework team announces the immediate availability or a beta release or version 1.9.0.

Note that because these packages are not stable, they will not be found on the CDN; please scroll to the bottom of the above page to find links to this release.

In preparation for this beta release, we have spent some time reviewing and polishing our test suite to ensure maximum stability, and also to provide compatibility with PHP 5.3. Note that at this time, we are not utilizing PHP 5.3-specific features, but only ensuring that Zend Framework will run without issues on PHP 5.3. This support is not yet complete, but will be in time for the final 1.9.0 release.

This beta release showcases many of the new features that will be available in the upcoming stable release:

  • Zend_Rest_Route, Zend_Rest_Controller, and Zend_Controller_Plugin_PutHandler, which aid in providing RESTful resources via the MVC layer.
  • Zend_Feed_Reader, which provides a common API to RSS and Atom feeds, as well as extensions to each format, caching, and a slew of other functionality.
  • Zend_Queue and Zend_Service_Amazon_Sqs, which provide the ability to use local and remote messaging and queue services for offloading asynchronous processes.
  • Zend_Db_Table updates to allow using Zend_Db_Table as a concrete class by passing it one or more table definitions via the constructor.
  • Zend_Test_PHPUnit_Db, which provides Zend_Db support for PHPUnit’s DBUnit support, allowing developers to do functional and integration testing against databases using data fixtures.
  • Annotation processing support for Zend_Pdf, as well as performance improvements.
  • Zend_Dojo custom build layer support.
  • Numerous Zend_Ldap improvements.
  • Zend_Log_Writer_Syslog, a Zend_Log writer for writing to your system log.
  • Several new view helpers, including Zend_View_Helper_BaseUrl.

Again, this is a beta release; do not use it in production environments.

We hope to provide our initial release candidate early next week, so please test now so we can take care of any lingering issues in the existing functionality!

Version number 1.9.0 beta
Release status beta
Operating systems script language
Website Send Technologies
License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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