Download Zabbix 1.5.3 beta

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With the Zabbix program you can monitor different parts of a network and the services offered on it. The program supports two different options to retrieve the relevant information. For example, it can send requests from its own host to the various services and network components, which then respond to them. There is also a so-called agent that can be installed on the host to be monitored, so that detailed information can be retrieved. For more information about Zabbix, we refer you to this one and this one pages. The developers have released the beta version 1.5.3 with the following changes:

What’s New in 1.5.3:

  • added support of directories for Include in configuration file
  • added support of escalations
  • added support of macros {EVENT.DATE},{EVENT.TIME},{EVENT.AGE} and {ESC.HISTORY}
  • added support of Apache authentication
  • improved charts period & start time selection
  • added support of perf_counter[path]
  • improved msg functionality in GUI
  • added hosts mass update functionality
  • added support of Host Template=