Download YUMI 2.0.5.

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Version of YUMI has been released. YUMI stands for Your Universal Multiboot Installer and is a Windows program with which the installation isos of a large number of Linux distributions can be placed on a USB stick. In addition, there is support for Windows installation CDs, anti-virus rescue CDs and other tools. As a result, they no longer have to be burned on a CD or DVD, but the installation can be carried out from the self-starting USB stick. What distinguishes YUMI is that several iso’s can be added that end up as choices in a boot menu. Since version the following changes have been made:

Changes in version

  • Fix various broken links.

Changes in version;2

  • Added initial support for KaOS, VyOS, Bluestar Linux, Raspberry Pi Desktop, and XenialPup.
  • Medication now extracts to the root folder until I find a fix for lost paths.

Changes in version

  • Added support for Super Grub2 Disk, Trisquel , newer LXLE, and Medicat.

Changes in version

  • Added support for MX Linux and Feren OS

Changes in version

  • Added support for Parrot, Vinux (for the blind and visually impaired), POP! _OS, and WifiWay 3.5.

Changes in version

  • Added support for Antergos, PureOS, CentOS Installer, Ubuntu Mini (Netboot Installer), and recently Debian Live and Tails Images
  • Corrected broken Debian homepage link and Lubuntu, Xubuntu download links.

 YUMI screenshot


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