Download Yii PHP Framework 1.1.12

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Yii is a component-based PHP framework, with very good performance according to the developers, making it particularly suitable for developing large-scale web applications. The framework contains many options, such as mvc, dao/ActiveRecord, I18N/L10N, caching, jQuery-based AJAX support, scaffolding, input validation, widgets, events and theming. For more information, please refer to this page. The developers have released version 1.1.12 with the following changes and improvements:

Bug fixed:

  • #190: WSDL return tag was not generated by CWsdlGenerator when Macintosh line endings were used inside service describing docblock
  • #1066: CMemCache: expiration time higher than 60*60*24*30
  • #1072: Fixed the problem with getTableAlias() in defaultScope()
  • #1076: CJavaScript::encode() was not compatible with PHP 5.1
  • #1077: Fixed the problem with alias in CSort
  • #1083: CFileValidator is now unsafe by default. This will prevent setting attribute when no file was uploaded
  • #1087: Reverted changes to CCookieCollection::add() introduced in 1.1.11 as they were triggering E_STRICT on some old PHP-versions
  • #1088: Fixed usage of proper CActiveForm id property when it’s supplied with htmlOptions
  • #1094: CGridView with enabled history used to clear page title in case sorting or paging performed
  • #1109: Fixed “js:” encoding BC-break in CHtml::ajax() and related methods introduced in 1.1.11
  • #1120: Fixed duplicate events processing in CGridView when ENTER was pressed for filtering
  • #1192: CHttpCacheFilter failed to comply with RFC 2616, section 10.3.5
  • #1207: Fixed an issue in CHtml::resolveValue() which occurs when handling tabular data input
  • #1225: Fixed the bug that $.fn.yiiGridView.getChecked was not working always if a custom CGridView::template was used
  • #1243: Fixed the bug that when using CUrlManager::addRules with $append=false rules were added in reverse order


  • #243: CWebService is now able to deal with the customized WSDL generator classes, was hardcoded to the CWsdlGenerator before, added CWebService::$generatorConfig property
  • #636: CManyManyRelation now parses foreign key for the junction table data internally, and provide public interface to access it
  • #1163: CGridview does not create empty class attributes anymore


  • #1099: Changed connectionId dropdown to sticky text field in Gii model generator
  • #1167: Reverted back the change to CComponent::evaluateExpression() about global function support

Version number 1.1.12
Release status Final
Operating systems script language
Website Yii PHP Framework
File size


License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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