Download X-Rite ColorMunki Display 1.1.4

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X-Rite recently released the software for its ColorMunki Display released a new version with 1.1.4 as version number. The ColorMunki Display is a color calibration device with which you can check the displayed colors on a monitor or projector and then achieve a natural display. Such devices are mainly used in cases where color fidelity is important, such as photographers who post-process photos on a computer, or when preparing colored printed matter on a computer. The list of changes for this release is as follows:

Version 1.1.4

  • Introduced error checking to detect if the device is not on screen or if measurement window is blocked.
  • Updated supported operating systems–see System Requirements.

Version number 1.1.4
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, macOS, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website X-Rite
License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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