Download WinSCP 4.0.7

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Version 4.0.7 of Winscp was released on Monday. With this program, which is released under an open source license, files can be copied in a secure way within a local network (Secure Copy) or over the internet (Secure FTP). The program is not only available as a stand-alone application, but can also be used as a plugin for the programs FAR and Altap Salamander are used. Below are all the changes that have been made to Winscp since the previous entry in the Meuktracker:

Changes in version 4.0.7:

  • While downloading trailing space in filenames is replaced with %20, as Windows does not allow them.
  • Bug fix: Occasional failure while closing console window.
  • Bug fix: Empty directories were not created on upload with FTP.
  • Bug fix: Choosing between opening session in current or new window using Shift key was not working properly.
  • Bug fix: When canceling moving of local file to remote directory with FTP protocol, local source file was removed.
  • Bug fix: Overwrite confirmations could not be suppressed for FTP protocol.
  • Bug fix: It was possible to import “WinSCP temporary session” back to WinSCP.

Changes in version 4.0.6:

  • U3 version launches by default PuTTY for U3 and saves settings to its registry key.
  • Access denied errors upon implicit writing to an INI file are ignored (it is expected that user made the file read-only deliberately).
  • Drag and drop on 64-bit systems is working (was actually implemented for testing purposes in 4.0.5 already).
  • When parsing directory listing, “at” sign after permissions is silently ignored
  • INI file is being saved only when there was a change made.
  • Bug fix: WinSCP has not allowed ending of Windows session (Log off, Shut down, etc.).
  • Bug fix: Last line of authentication banner may have been incorrectly listed on authentication window.
  • Bug fix: When prompt was displayed while reconnecting session with internal editor focused, it was not possible to focus the prompt input box.
  • Bug fix: WinSCP was ignoring external requests to resize its window (particularly Cascade, Tide Horizontally and Tide Vertically taskbar commands).
  • Bug fix: WinSCP hanged when authentication prompt was displayed while “timeout” message was shown.
  • Bug fix: With some servers, it was not possible to remove a directory because WinSCP made the directory current before deletion.
  • Bug fix: INI file was uselessly being saved also when opened for reading only.
  • Bug fix: Improved compatibility with MSVDM. Main window no longer minimize into small window caption.
  • Bug fix: Quotes around string options saved to an INI files were duplicated.
  • Bug fix: Reference to dragext.dll was not released once not used.
  • Bug fix: Directory content cache was not reset after timestamp synchronization.
  • Bug fix: When specifying session using ftp:// URL, correct port 21 is used by default.
  • Bug fix: When URL of translator was not specified, stray URL was used instead.

[break] Click on the image for a larger version.

Version number 4.0.7
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista
Website WinSCP
License type GPL
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