Download Windows Terminal 1.19.10821.0

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Microsoft has released an update for version 1.19 of Windows Terminal. Windows Terminal is included with Windows 11 and allows you to open a command prompt, PowerShell, Windows PowerShell and Azure Cloud Shell in a tabbed screen. The program has support for themes and profiles. New features in version 1.19 include a search function, themes are now respected under Windows 11, and the new rendering engine is now set as default. The following changes and improvements have also been made in this update:

Bug Fixes and Changes

  • We've rolled back to an older compiler to get Terminal working on Intel Core 2 Duo machines again (!) (#16907)
  • ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW no longer fails on lines containing narrow surrogate pairs (#16898)
  • Auto-detected URLs and search results are no longer pushed around by wide characters (oops) (#16787)
  • We will now display control characters literally if they were produced with the Windows Console APIs (#16825)
  • Entering the tab switcher via the command palette no longer selects the wrong tab (#16858)
  • All localizations are now checked into the project, so you can build any historical version with all of its original languages ​​(#16835)

Version number 1.19.10821.0
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, Windows 11
Website Microsoft
License type GPL
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