Download Winamp 2.7 Beta 9

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FileFlash has already put a new Beta of Winamp online. An insider informed us that these versions come from a Nullsoft ftp server that is not properly secured . The executable is again 544KB in size, and also appears to be an upgrade for version 2.666.

RobbyNitroz and Unknown_ saw that Beta 7 has already been replaced by Beta 8. The final version is not far away, as you can see in the [b8] read release notes.

BlindDent and Patrick saw that they are already on Beta 9, Nullsoft seems to wait with the final release until the credits screen is perfectly in order. These things have appeared in the release notes since the version earlier today:

  • [b9] prettier faster credits
  • [b9] fancy interlaced about screen
  • [b9] better id3v1/id3v2 writing (actually updates id3v1 tags all the time, auto-stops id3v2)
  • [b8] fixed crash credits
  • [b8] ugh. almost done.
  • [b8] nicer on demand title loading
  • [b7] made leet sanity checking for corrupted id3v2 tags.
  • [b7] faster credits (no zbuffer, every-other-scanline, should not crash (hopefully)
  • [b7] fixed some MIDI issues
  • [b7] fixed compressed id3v2 tag problem

Version number 2.7 Beta 9
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000
Website FileFlash
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