Download Webmin 1,831

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Version 1.831 of Webmin has been released. With this program, a system running Unix can be maintained and managed from a web browser. For example, it is possible to maintain user accounts, to change settings for Apache, MySQL and dns, and to create file shares. Webmin consists of a simple web server, supplemented with various CGI programs written in Perl 5. The software is released under the BSD license and is available in various flavors from this page to download. Since version 1.791, the following changes and improvements have been made:

Changes in version 1.831

  • Authentic Theme and File Manager bug fixes.

Changes in version 1.830

  • Numerous bug fixes across multiple modules.
  • Support for systems that have a different local and remote MySQL version.
  • Major update to the Authentic theme.
  • Support for the latest LDAP client configs as seen on CentOS 7.
  • Removed two ancient obsolete themes from the default package.
  • File Manager updates to support SElinux and file attributes.
  • Support for the latest Let’s Encrypt client program and CA certificate.
  • More German, Norwegian and Catalan translation updates.

Changes in version 1,820

  • Fixed several bugs in the BIND DNS Server module that caused Perl errors.
  • Added support for editing TLSA (SSL Certificate) DNS records.
  • Single MySQL database backups can now be downloaded in the browser.
  • The Let’s Encrypt key size can now be customized.
  • More German, Norwegian and Catalan translation updates.

Changes in version 1.810

  • Fixed a security bug in the new Authentic theme that could be exploited by non-root Webmin users.
  • Added the Linux IPv6 Firewall module, contributed by Patrick Wahle.
  • Added an option to the Webmin Configuration logging page for sending Webmin action log messages via email.
  • Failed Webmin logins are now recorded and displayed in the actions log.
  • More German, Norwegian and Catalan translation updates.

Changes in version 1.801

  • Fixed a security bug in the new Authentic theme.
  • Added a recent logins section to the System Information page.
  • When updating multiple packages, they are done in a single YUM or APT operation if possible.
  • Added support for the network() source type for Syslog-NG.
  • Added buttons to clone Unix users and groups.
  • More German, Norwegian and Catalan translation updates.

Version number 1,831
Release status Final
Operating systems Linux, BSD, Solaris
Website webmin
File size


License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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