Download WebGUI 7.2.2

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WebGUI is a content management system and application framework with which a website can be easily managed and set up without having to possess extensive technical knowledge. It includes a photo album, blog, forum, RSS feeds and a SOAP frontend. For more information, it is useful to description of the program, or take a look at the website from WOSA. The developers of Plain Black have released a new version with 7.2.2 as the version number. The list of adjustments looks like this:

WebGUI 7.2.2 stable is available for download. A handful of bug fixes in this release.

  • fix: Show Debugging option not working
  • fix: Workflow form control edit button won’t work. removed.
  • fix: Bug in
  • fix: Storage::Image copy does not create thumbnails
  • fix: Static export – redirect problems
  • fixed a bug in Session::ErrorHandler::canShowPerformanceIndicators. Moving to CIDR format in debugIp broke it. Added a new convenience method called canShowBasedOnIP, which refactored out the identical code to share between canShowDebug, canShowPerformanceIndicators and any other IP based check for privileges.
  • fix: RSS From Parent having no icon
  • fix: HttpProxy now handles styles appropriately.
  • fix: op=viewPurchaseHistory prices are now formatted correctly
  • fix: A minor bug in the default viewPurchaseHistory template
  • fix: Thread determination of “current” Post, and shortcuts to non-Thread Posts
  • fix: make handling of profile field possible values ​​slightly more robust
  • RFE: non-required fields shown on user registration

Version number 7.2.2
Operating systems Windows NT, Windows 2000, Linux, BSD, Windows XP, macOS, Solaris, UNIX, Windows Server 2003
Website Plain Black Corporation
File size


License type GPL
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