Download WebGUI 7.2.1

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WebGUI is a content management system and application framework with which a website can be easily managed and set up without having to possess extensive technical knowledge. It includes a photo album, blog, forum, RSS feeds and a SOAP frontend. For more information, it is useful to description of the program, or take a look at the website from WOSA. The developers of Plain Black have released a new version with 7.2.1 as the version number. The list of adjustments looks like this:

This release fixes 10+ bugs and brings 7.2 into the stable realm. We recommend that all users upgrade to 7.2.1. This release combined with the previous one fixes around 50 bugs from previous releases, and is therefore the most stable version of WebGUI available.

  • Made a change to version tag commits to deal with unusually long commit times.
  • Fixed bugs the SyncProfileToLdap workflow activity where it would ignore the ldapAlias ​​config setting and it crash (Martin Kamerbeek / Procolix)
  • fix: entry in error log of WebGUI
  • Fixed part of RSSCapable addition upgrade script in 7.2.0.
  • fix: MIME types broken from change to the way File assets were streamed
  • fix: New resizable textareas not obeying width/height parameters
  • fix: InOutBoard not allowing re-editing of new revisions
  • Added a fatal error should parsing of JSON config file fail
  • Fixed a bug with the admin mode subnet feature.
  • Fixed a problem with rich media ads not processing macros.
  • Fixed a flaw in the new commerce tax system that caused checkouts to fail.
  • fix: Bug in “Article with Files”
  • fix: SQLReport pagination retains op= parameter
  • fix: Invalid MIME type set for images
  • Fixed a problem with the adspace upgrade in 7.2.0
  • Fixed a problem with the survey upgrade in 7.2.0

Version number 7.2.1
Operating systems Windows NT, Windows 2000, Linux, BSD, Windows XP, macOS, Solaris, UNIX, Windows Server 2003
Website Plain Black Corporation
File size


License type GPL
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