Download Weather Watcher Live 6.0.22

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Mike Singer of Singer’s Creations released version 6.0.22 of the weather forecasting program Weather Watcher Live last Thursday. In this program, weather changes can be displayed in real time. For example, the temperature, humidity and air pressure are displayed. In addition, it is also possible to view the position of the moon and various weather and satellite maps. Search for the nearest weather station can simple through Google Maps. Below you will find everything that has changed and improved since the previous version:


  • Proxy server and port text boxes to the “Internet” section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window.


  • Rewrote DL.EXE application to work around some data retrieval issues created by the recent IE8 and Windows updates. The new DL.EXE application downloads data more quickly and should work for those people who found that Weather Watcher could no longer retrieve the weather after installing those recent Windows updates.
  • Aligned the “Observed” and “Downloaded” time stamps at the bottom of the main Weather Watcher Live window.


  • Various GUI issues in the main Weather Watcher Live window that appeared after IE8 was installed.
  • Weather Watcher Live was continuously attempting to retrieve the weather when no Internet connection was found and no local weather data was available.
  • The wind values ​​were not converting properly in the “DAILY” section of the main Weather Watcher Live window when a comma was being used as the Windows regional decimal symbol.
  • The “Display tenths for Celsius temperatures” and “Display wind direction in degrees” settings in the “Advanced” section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window were not saving after being changed.
  • Daily forecast was not displaying the daily description when using a weather station outside of the US and the temperature conversion was set to Celsius.
  • Wind gauge text was not centering properly when greater than three digits.

Version number 6.0.22
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista
Website Singers Creations
License type Freeware
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