Download Weather Watcher Live 6.0.0 final

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After a long development period, Mike Singer of Singer’s Creations today released the final release of the next-generation weather forecasting program Weather Watcher. In addition to a new look, we also find a lot of other improvements in Weather Watcher Live. For example, weather changes can now be displayed in real time and searching for the nearest weather station via Google Maps is also a lot easier. easier. Here’s what’s changed and improved in the last few versions:

Changes in version 6.0.0 final:

  • Changed: Weather Watcher Live map file delimiter to “|” to work around international character issues.
  • Changed: News bar on main Weather Watcher Live window is automatically hidden when viewing weather for weather stations outside of the US.
  • Fixed: All Weather Watcher Live windows were loading centered on the desktop after opening and closing the color dialog box in the “Tray Icon” tab of the Weather Watcher Live Options window.
  • Fixed: Tooltips were no longer appearing on the slider at the bottom of the main Weather Watcher Live window after sliding.
  • Fixed: When using “General” –> “Start Weather Watcher Live when Windows starts” option, Weather Watcher Live was not always starting.
  • Fixed: The Chance of Precipitation was always displaying as “N/A” in the Weather Watcher Live tray tooltip window.
  • Fixed: The precipitation values ​​in the Daily forecast did not always match up with the precipitation values ​​in the Hourly forecast (which is more accurate). If the Daily forecast precipitation does not match, it will automatically be recalculated using the Hourly precipitation data.
  • Fixed: When Windows returns from sleep mode, weather updates were not automatically resuming.
  • Fixed: Issue that was causing daily forecast to display as a blank page when an error was generated while processing the forecast data.
  • Fixed: When exporting weather data to an HTM or HTML file, degree symbols are now being converted to HTML characters.

Changes in version

  • Changed: When clicking the “UPDATE” button on the main Weather Watcher Live window, the weather will refresh each time. Previous versions of Weather Watcher Live relied on a time stamp to determine if the weather should be retrieved again.
  • Fixed: [UPDATED DATETIME] template tag now displays the date/time in the local date/time format.
  • Fixed: Current condition text and icon was displaying “N/A” for international weather stations.

Changes in version

  • Added: Optional severe weather alert sounds to the install. These sounds can be selected in the “Sounds” tab of the Weather Watcher Live Options window.
  • Changed: Selected station in search window appears with a red marker.
  • Fixed: Link that launches to display severe alert information at


Version number 6.0.0 final
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista
Website Singers Creations
File size


License type Freeware
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