Download VeraCrypt 1.15
Version 1.15 of VeraCrypt has been released. VeraCrypt is a so-called fork of TrueCrypt, which was discontinued a while ago under rather vague circumstances. This open source encryption program can encrypt entire hard drives or partitions and virtual volumes, such as a file accessed as a partition. VeraCrypt uses the original source code of TrueCrypt, but includes several security improvements. Volumes created with TrueCrypt can be opened and converted from this version. The Frenchman Mounir Idrassi has been working on this project since the summer of 2013. The changelog for this release looks like this:
- Fix two TrueCrypt vulnerabilities reported by James Forshaw (Google Project
Zero)- CVE-2015-7358 (critical): Local Elevation of Privilege on Windows by
Abusing drive letter handling. - CVE-2015-7359: Local Elevation of Privilege on Windows caused by
incorrect Impersonation Token Handling.
- CVE-2015-7358 (critical): Local Elevation of Privilege on Windows by
- Fix regression in mounting of favorite volumes at user logon.
- Fix display of some Unicode languages (eg Chinese) in formatting wizard.
- Set keyboard focus to PIM field when “Use PIM” is checked.
- Allow Application key to open context menu on drive letters list
- Support specifying volumes size in TB in the GUI (command line already supports this)
Version number | 1.15 |
Release status | Final |
Operating systems | Windows 7, Linux, Windows XP, macOS, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows 10 |
Website | Idrix |
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File size |
10.67MB |
License type | GPL |