Download USB Drive Letter Manager 5.3.4

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 Version 5.3.3 of USB Drive Letter Manager has been released and due to an error a successor appeared shortly afterwards. With this versatile program, USB devices can be managed. For example, it is possible to assign drive letters only when a medium is inserted into the drive, which is handy for multicard readers. It can also be indicated which disk letters may or may not be assigned, depending on the type of USB device, the size of the drive, the used USB port and the name of the volume. In addition, the application indicates by means of a speech bubble in the system bar which device or volume has been added to the system with which drive letter. More information can be found in this manual . USB Drive Letter Manager is free for private and educational use, but companies and organizations are required to pay a fee. Since version 5.3.2 the following improvements have been made:

Changes in version 5.3.4:

  • Bugfix: Crashs on 64 Bit Windows with V5.3.3

Changes in version 5.3.3:

  • Bugfix: Crashs on 64 Bit Windows 8, 10 and Server 2012, 2016
  • Bugfix: DeviceType MultiSlotCardReader has not been set
  • Bugfix: Crash on AutoRun with non-active logged on user
  • Bugfix: autorun.inf not executed on TrueCrypt volumes

The following downloads are available:
USB Drive Letter Manager (zip)
USB Drive Letter Manager (msi)
USB Drive Letter Manager (64bit, zip)
USB Drive Letter Manager (64bit, msi)


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