Download Tyan System Monitor 2.10

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Tyan has released version 2.10 of System Monitor. With this program you can view multiple parts of your motherboard up close, but also read temperatures and set fan speeds. The software only works under WIndows 2000 in combination with the Tyan S2460, S2462, S2466, S2518 and S2688:


1.Setted the problem of instantaneous stop problem of GUI (changed to multi-thread)
2.Optimized the MiniWin’s interface and functions(auto shrink and extend, function label)
3.Added new XP style menu( popup from tray icon or label on MiniWin)
4.Optimize the main windows GUI and its components
5.Added autodetect functions,delete the select window,and added the elipse-rectangle pre-window to:display detect ingresult,loading error,etc.
6.Added new style Message Box with timeout
7.Changed the “watch dog”,”OEC”,”Monitor” button layout and appearence
8.Added “Refresh” button and function in “general monitor” window
9.Optimize the alert process
10.Enabled user-set start state of TSM (minimized or normal)
11.Added the “Exit System” function in menu
12.Added auto detect user platform font size before TSM loading
13.Changed some components
14.Fixed a bug under setting

Version number 2.10
Operating systems Windows 2000
Website Tyan
file size


License type Freeware
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