Download Trillian GoT Smiley Pack

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KillerB writes: “A while ago I already made a smiley pack for Trillian. I have now expanded it a bit with new smilies and with new sounds. This is already the third version I have made of the Trillian smilie pack. There are now other smilies in addition to all GoT smilies and a number of smilies have a sound attached. On the forum I have posted all 3 versions. So why not get into the junk tracker now!”

This has changed from the original smileys from version 0.73:

  • Transparent smilies, so no more white boxes
  • All GoT/Fok! added smilies
  • Followed the GoT/Fok codes as much as possible (sometimes it doesn’t)
  • The codes are also as compatible as possible with MSN Number of sounds included

Version number RC 3
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Website GoT
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