Download Total Commander 9.51 RC2

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As is often the case after a major release of Total Commander, after the stable release a few minor errors are found and a successor is started. Total Commander can be used as a replacement for Windows Explorer. Splitting the image in half makes it easy to copy files, but the program can do much more. There are various ways to modify files, there is a built-in ftp client and a multirename tool, and there is support for a large number of compression formats. Furthermore, the functionality can be plugins be expanded.

New in version 9.50 includes support for dark mode, folder history only shows folders where edits have been made, and there is now a four-line margin when scrolling through large folders. In version 9.51 we mainly find bug fixes.

What’s new in RC2:

  • The version number was changed from 9.50a to 9.51 because the test takes longer and there are more changes than expected.
  • Bug fixes, see history951.txt

Version number 9.51 RC2
Release status beta
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server 2016
Website Ghisler
File size 5.18MB
License type Shareware
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