Download Total Commander 9.20 beta 3

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The second beta release of Total Commander version 9.20 has been released. This program can be used as a replacement for Windows Explorer. Because the image is split in two, it is easy to copy files, but the program can do much more. There are various ways to modify files, a built-in ftp client and a multirename tool are present, and there is support for a large number of compression formats. Furthermore, the functionality can be extended with plug-ins .
In version 9.10, support has been added for use on multiple screens with different dpi settings, it can also be online on the latest version of Windows OneDrive To access files, date and time variables can be used to create new text files or folders, and multiple folders can also be created at the same time. Version 9.20 contains mainly bug fixes, but there are also some minor improvements. The release notes for this issue are as follows:

The following was changed to beta 3:

  • Compare by content: Select all with Ctrl + A
  • Multi-rename tool: Option to convert to uppercase like in English titles
  • Bugfixes

There are also some new functions since beta 1:

  • Button bar, command line: support shell GUIDs, eg to go to Explorer’s recent dirs, use
  • cd :: {22877a6d-37a1-461a-91b0-dbda5aaebc99}
  • Files – change attributes: Button to load attributes from file under cursor to target panel
  • Icon from internal association takes precedence about internal packer icon (eg for * .rar)
  • wincmd.ini [Configuration] IgnoreDirErrors = 1 allows to switch to inaccessible or non-existent directories, shows in file list instead
  • Button bar: Button size and small icon size can now be set for each screen scale (dpi)
  • FTP client: Support for client certi ficates for ftps (ftp over ssl / tls) from Windows certificate store. Only works with schannel library on Vista or newer, not openssl

A list of all corrections, also for previous versions, can be found in the history file.A list of all corrections, also for previous versions, can be found ] in the history file .
As usual, the update is free for all registered users.


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