Download TortoiseSVN 1.6.8

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Version 1.6.8 of TortoiseSVN was released on Saturday. This program is a user interface for Subversion, which is used by developers to perform version control. This is almost indispensable when several people are working on a project. TortoiseSVN integrates itself as a shell extension into Windows and can be used on its own or in combination with an ide. Version 1.6.8 of TortoiseSVN ships with Subversion 1.6.11. The changelog of this release shows the following changes and improvements:

Bug fixes:

  • Exporting via DnD from the repository browser could create garbled paths if the urls of the files required escaping.
  • Properties loaded from a file were not changed or added without a manual edit of the loaded content.
  • The /logmsg param wasn’t used in the copy command.
  • The /logmsg param wasn’t used in the import command.
  • The commonUrl and commonRoot parameters in the CheckCommit method of the IBugtraqProvider2 interface could return wrong paths/urls.
  • Updating two items from different paths to get a sparse checkout didn’t work.
  • Handling of multi-page TIFF files in TortoiseIDiff could lead to a crash.
  • When adding files failed, the error message was not shown.
  • The return value for /command:commit was wrong. (Stefan Fuhrmann)
  • Adjusting the case of filenames could lead to those files getting deleted instead of fixed.
  • When right-dragging and copying files over already existing files, an empty error dialog was shown in case of success.


  • Various adjustments for Windows 7.
  • The “show excluded folders as normal” setting is changed to false by default.
  • On W2k, don’t update to incompatible (future) TSVN versions.

Version number 1.6.8
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP x64, Windows Server 2003 x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows Server 2008
Website The TortoiseSVN team
File size 18.90MB
License type GPL
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