Download Tor Browser 12.0.7

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Version 12.0.7 of Tor Browser has been released. Tor stands for The Onion Router and is a network that can be used to surf the Internet fairly anonymously. All users’ TCP traffic is routed through different Tor routers, after which it is virtually impossible for the recipient to find out who the original sender was. That information is still present within the Tor network, so that answers, of course also via the system of routers, ultimately arrive at the right place. Version 12 is based on Firefox ESR 102, while version 11 was still ESR 91. The release notes for this release look like this:

Tor Browser 12.0.7

This release updates Firefox to 102.12.0esr, including bug fixes, stability improvements and important security updates. We also backported the Android specific security updates from Firefox 114.

Build-Signing Infrastructure Updates

We are once again able to code-sign our executable Windows installer, so new installations on the Windows platform no longer need to perform a build-to-build update from an older version. We apologize for all the inconvenience this caused.

All Platforms

  • Updated Translations
  • Updated NoScript to 11.4.22
  • Updated OpenSSL to 1.1.1u
  • Bug tor browser#41764: TTP-02-004 OOS: No user activation required to download files (Low)
  • Bug tor browser#41794: Rebase Tor Browser and Base Browser stable to 102.12esr

Windows + macOS + Linux

  • Updated Firefox to 102.12esr
  • Bug tor browser#41777: Internally shipped manual does not adapt to RTL languages ​​(it always align to the left)


  • Updated GeckoView to 102.12esr
  • Bug tor browser#41805: Backport Android-specific security fixes from Firefox 114 to ESR 102.12-based Tor Browser

Version number 12.0.7
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Android, Linux, macOS, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11
Website The Tor Project
License type GPL
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