Download The Bat! 6.8.2

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Ritlabs has version 6.8.2 of its email program The Bat! released. The program supports several pop3 and imap4 accounts, and has a Bayesian spam filter and extensive search and filtering capabilities. Since version 6.7 there are separate 32bit and 64bit downloads. The separate Home and Pro editions have also been dropped, in favor of a single version. The changelog of this version looks like this:

New features

  • Accounts can now be associated with Color Groups
  • Incoming filters are now working for RSS Feeds
  • The “Create New Account” dialog will hide MAPI from the list of protocols if none is detected in the current system
  • You can configure The Bat! to not specify the %EMAIL% variable by running it with the /DontWriteEmailEnvironmentVariable command line parameter, or by setting the DWORD DontWriteEmailEnvironmentVariable variable to 1 under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RIT\The Bat!
  • An animated indicator has been added to in the “Create New Account” dialog


  • Timing log for the Exchange accounts
  • The Bat! will ignore IPF.NOTE.SOCIALCONNECTOR, IPF.NOTE.OUTLOOKHOMEPAGE, IPF.ShortcutFolder, Outlook.Reminder folder types while interacting with the Exchange server via MAPI
  • The “User name” label has been renamed to “Mailbox name” in MAPI accounts to differentiate it from the user name used for authentication
  • Better logging of certificate errors in TLS


  • Fixed a bug that might have caused access violation or incorrect behavior when forwarding messages with HTML parts from using Sorting Office filters
  • Caching was allowed for downloading RSS feeds, causing no-update issues on some servers
  • (#623) Ctrl+Ins shortcut was not working after selection of all text using Ctrl+A in the message viewer
  • Possible errors of the 64-bit version have been fixed
  • (#624) Opening a “mailto” URL from a common folder did not choose an appropriate active account for the new message
  • ORFO 2014 options were neither visible nor accessible
  • The Bat! could not use 64-bit spell checkers via the CSAPI interface. For example, it could not use ORFO and returned an access violation error in The Bat! 64-bit version
  • (#541) GnuPG did not work with the 64-bit version of The Bat!
  • (#688) The Bat! 64-bit did not work with eToken
  • Address History could show duplicate messages when the “scan subfolders” option was used
  • Deleting a MAPI account and requesting to “Delete account files” did not clean up all the files
  • Safer way of loading the GROUPS.CFG (GROUPS.EFG) in case this file is damaged or improperly decrypted
  • (#686) If the interface language was set to US English some British English words were still used
  • (#441) Next message group could be not selected upon deletion of a message group
  • Fixed slowdowns in address history
  • Fixed slowdowns in getting messages from MS Exchange servers via extended MAPI

Version number 6.8.2
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website Ritlabs
file size


License type Shareware
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