Download The Bat! 5.3.8

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Ritlabs has version 5.3.8 of its email client The Bat! released. The program supports several pop3 and imap4 accounts, and has a Bayesian spam filter and extensive search and filtering capabilities. The Bat! is available in the flavors Home and Professional Edition, where students and non-profit organizations receive a discount on the purchase price. As usual, home users should also International Pack Updating. The difference between the Pro and Home editions is shown on this page Out of the blankets. The release notes for this release can be found below.

Improved/changed feature

  • Some mailers are known to violate RFC2047 5.(3) and split multi-octet character across adjacent ‘encoded-word’s (we concatenate adjacent ‘encoded-word’s with the same charset to work around this issue)
  • Original Splash Screen
  • UI fixes at Account menu
  • Some mailers are known to violate RFC2047 5.(3) and insert ‘encoded-word’s in a ‘quoted-string’ which is split across several lines
  • Some cosmetic fixes at Account Properties
  • mail settings were added

Bug fixed (we hope)

  • Source View – the Print function was not working correctly
  • “TTaskUpdater.DecUse: negative reference counter, already destroyed!” error while performing folder maintenance
  • Message Finder: Option for searchin of whole words only was ignored
  • An account with non-administrator privileges could not operate the Preferences dialogue
  • IMAP. Negative counter error after message expunging
  • Changes of column widths in Address Book tree was lost after program restart
  • Possible multi-threading problem while terminating folder maintenance
  • Current server’s SMTP Authentication settings were not taken into the configuration dialogue when SMTP on-the-go was used
  • “Watch and Send files” scheduler action incorrectly encodes long file names
  • Birthday notification can be invisible and lock program
  • PluginAPI. Filter wasn’t used when getting message list
  • HTML template cannot be used for messages created from command line
  • RFC-822 headers wasn’t immediately visible when selecting HTML message (“View > RFC-822 Headers” mode)

Version number 5.3.8
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 8
Website Ritlabs
File sizes

6.89MB – 16.30MB

License type Shareware
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