Download Tails 5.3

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Tails stands for The amnesic incognito live system and is a live Linux distribution that focuses on privacy and anonymity. It bases on Debian GNU/Linux and adds a Gnome environment with Tor, Tor Browser, Pidgin, Thunderbird, Electrum, LibreOffice, GPG and KeePassXC. For more information, we refer to this page. Version 5 is based on Debian 11 and includes OpenPGP has been replaced by Kleopatra. In version 5.3, the Tor Browser has been updated to version 11.5.1, which is not yet officially released.

Changes and Updates

  • Update Tor Browser to 11.5.1

For more details, read our changelog.

Version number 5.3
Release status Final
Operating systems Linux
Website Tails
License type Prerequisites (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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