Download Tails 5.14

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Tails stands for The amnesic incognito live system and is a live Linux distribution that focuses on privacy and anonymity. It uses Debian GNU/Linux as a base and adds a Gnome environment with Tor, Tor Browser, Pidgin, Thunderbird, Electrum, LibreOffice, GPG and KeePassXC. For more information please refer to this page. Version 5 is based on Debian 11 and, among other things, OpenPGP has been replaced by Kleopatra. The following changes and improvements have been made in version 5.14:

New features

  • Automatic migration to LUKS2 and Argon2id
    The cryptographic parameters of LUKS from Tails 5.12 or earlier are weak against a state-sponsored attacker with physical access to your device. To use stronger encryption parameters, Tails 5.14 automatically converts your Persistent Storage to use LUKS2 encryption with Argon2id. Still, we recommend you change the passphrase of your Persistent Storage and other LUKS encrypted volumes unless you use a long passphrase of 5 random words or more. Read our security advisory and upgrade guide.
  • Full backups from Tails Installer
    You can now do a backup of your Persistent Storage from Tails Installer by cloning your Persistent Storage to your backup Tails entirely. You can still use the backup utility to go faster while updating your backup.
  • Captive portal detection
    Tails now detects if you have to sign in to the network using a captive portal if you choose to connect to Tor automatically. The error screen appears more quickly and recommends you try to sign in to the network as the first option.
  • Incentive to donate from Electrum
    Many people use Tails to secure their Bitcoin wallet and donations in Bitcoin are key to the survival of our project, so we integrated a way to donate from Electrum in Tails.

Changes and updates

  • Update Tor Browser to 12.0.7.
  • Change the button to create a Persistent Storage from the Welcome Screen to be a switch. (#19673)
  • Add back the description of some of the Persistent Storage features and mention Kleopatra in the GnuPG feature. (#19642 and #19675)
  • Hide the duplicated Persistent bookmark in the Files browser. (#19646)

Fixed problems

For more details, read our changelog.

  • Avoid restarting the desktop environment when creating a Persistent Storage. (#19667)

Version number 5.14
Release status Final
Operating systems Linux
Website Tails
License type Prerequisites (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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