Download SyncBack 3.2.7

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The developers of the company 2BrightSparks have provided SyncBack with an update with 3.2.7 as the version designation. With this program data can be synchronized or can simply be backed up. This can be to a location on the same disk, another disk, another medium such as a CD-RW or CompactFlash card, an ftp server or a zip archive. The included changelog looks like this:

Version 3.2.7:

  • New -shutdown command line parameter
  • Aborting an FTP transfer is now much quicker
  • Improvements to the method empty folders are created/deleted
  • Profile now exports strings with double-quotes
  • Included support for any future Greek translation
  • If a folder cannot be created an error message on the reason is returned
  • Semi-colons can now be used in filenames with compression
  • HTML log file colors changed
  • Fixed index out-of-bounds error (was related to columns in tree)
  • FTP profiles are not aborted before their time-out setting (was previously set to 30 seconds)
  • Stop button on tree is ghosted instead of disappearing when stop button is pressed
  • Empty zip files (when using single file compression) are correctly deleted
  • Compression progress shown when using multi file compression
  • By default, new profiles will not use the Windows shell for file copying and deleting
  • By default, new profiles will have Passive enabled for FTP
  • By default, new profiles will not disconnected from network shares after a profile is run
  • If a form doesn’t appear on the screen (eg resolution is lower) then it will be reset to appear on screen
  • A new version of SyncBack cannot be installed while it is running
  • Help file updated

Version number 3.2.7
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Website 2BrightSparks
file size


License type Freeware
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