Download Suricata 2.0.1

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Version 2.0.1 of Suricata has been released. Suricata is an open source network intrusion detection system (IDS), intrusion prevention system (IPS), and network security monitoring engine. It can be used to monitor network traffic and alert a system administrator if anything suspicious is detected. Development is overseen by the Open Information Security Foundation, with support from the community and various manufacturers. The main change in version 2.0 is Eve, a fully op json based logging system. Eve can, among other things, with log stash are used to display information graphically again at to give. This update includes detection for the TLS Heartbleed issue and various bug fixes.

Suricata 2.0.1 Available!

The OISF development team is proud to announce Suricata 2.0.1. This release brings TLS Heartbleed detection and fixes a number of issues in the 2.0 release. There were no changes since 2.0.1rc1.

All closed tickets

  • Feature #1157: Always create pid file if –pidfile command line option is provided
  • Feature #1173: tls: OpenSSL heartbleed detection
  • Bug #978: clean up app layer parser thread local storage
  • Bug #1064: Lack of Thread Deinitialization For Decoder Modules
  • Bug #1101: Segmentation in AppLayerParserGetTxCnt
  • Bug #1136: Negated app-layer protocol FP on multi-TX flows
  • Bug #1141: dns response parsing issue
  • Bug #1142: dns tcp toclient protocol detection
  • Bug #1143: tls protocol detection in case of tls-alert
  • Bug #1144: icmpv6: unknown type events for MLD_* types
  • Bug #1145: ipv6: support PAD1 in DST/HOP extension hdr
  • Bug #1146: tls: event on ‘new session ticket’ in handshake
  • Bug #1159: Possible memory exhaustion when an invalid bpf-filter is used with AF_PACKET
  • Bug #1160: Pcaps submitted via Unix Socket do not finish processing in Suricata 2
  • Bug #1161: eve: src and dst mixed up in some cases
  • Bug #1162: proto-detect: make sure probing parsers for all registered ports are run
  • Bug #1163: HTP Segfault
  • Bug #1165: af_packet – one thread consistently not working
  • Bug #1170: rohash: CID 1197756: Bad bit shift operation (BAD_SHIFT)
  • Bug #1176: AF_PACKET IPS mode is broken in 2.0
  • Bug #1177: eve log do not show action ‘dropped’ just ‘allowed’
  • Bug #1180: Possible problem in stream tracking

Logstash Kibana fed with information from Suricata with json output.

Version number 2.0.1
Release status Final
Operating systems Linux
Website Suricata
File size


License type GPL
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