Download Sulu 2.0.6

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Sulu is a content management system built on Symfony, a php web application framework. For more information about the how and what we refer to this page. The Sulu development team released version 2.0.6 a few days ago. The accompanying announcement and list of changes look like this:

Sulu Release 2.0.6

Yesterday’s release (version 2.0.5 on March 26, 2020) contained a critical bug — oops. We’ve already released Sulu 2.0.6 today, March 27, and, hey presto: bug eliminated!

The bug only affected Sulu 2.0. Follow the Sulu 2 upgrade guide in our documentation and update your sites and codebases accordingly.

The backstory: We were very keen to solve the issue of Sulu ignoring default templates. We got overexcited and ended up setting the default template always … yes, overriding everything, even for pages that already had a different template set. That’s pretty annoying and also makes the system pretty unusable.

Long story short: We have fixed the problem (the right amount this time) in a separate PR and released version 2.0.6 of Sulu today!

Version number 2.0.6
Release status Final
Operating systems script language
Website sulu
License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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