Download Startup Delayer 3.0 build 304

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R2 Studios has released version 3.0 build 304 of Startup Delayer. This program can adjust the Windows startup process so that access to the desktop is faster. One of the reasons Windows starts up slowly is that too many programs and processes are starting at once. Some of these can be turned on a little later, such as an e-mail program and quick launchers for and Adobe Reader, for example. With Startup Delayer it is possible to specify the order of the programs to be started and to assign them a waiting time. In this way it is possible to access the desktop more quickly, while less important programs are still loaded in the background. Since build 299, the following changes and improvements have been made:

Changes in version 3.0 build 304:

  • Fixed the Help and Options buttons not being available for translation
  • Fixed the pause button in the Launch form not being translated
  • Made Options window resizeable and increased the size of the ‘Set Idle Values ​​by behaviour’ button
  • Fixed Task list label being overlapped by the ‘Show All Tasks’ button in some languages
  • Fixed Language selection being reset when you install a new version
  • Added the ability to browse for a Process executable in the Choose Process window
  • Added translations for Browse buttons (…)
  • Added a Natural sorter instead of using just a case insensitive compare. Fixes issues with sorting when number pre-pended to names
  • Fixed error when decoding license key on a system with a locale such as Russia or Greece

Changes in version 3.0 build 303:

  • Reverted to the old method of grabbing Usernames instead of using the proper NTAccount/Domain information. This should fix all speed issues that users were experiencing.
  • Fixed crash when no PATH variable could be found on a system
  • Fixed crash when opening edit form when no Active user is set
  • Modified all serialization routines to write out Unicode
  • Fixed Common items not being launched on some systems
  • Fixed Common user not being detected on systems with various input locales
  • Added better prompt if no user profiles could be found, and disabled several interface features that would cause follow on effects
  • Fixed IOException that could occur during startup
  • Added fix for crash when the single instance mutex was previously deleted
  • Added fix for crash when unable to Obtain the All Users profile during startup. Instead if the cache is empty, its loaded

Changes in version 3.0 build 302:

  • Reverted to previous method for obtaining username (may still cause lag for some users)
  • Switched the Notifier text back to just the application name

Changes in version 3.0 build 301:

  • Updated the Multi select icon – Thanks MainTrane!
  • Added Hours, Minutes, Seconds labels to the Quick Edit pane
  • Fixed crash when retrieving the Registry Location for a Key that doesn’t exist
  • Stopped extra detail data from loading when doing a launch
  • Modified default CPU/Disk up to 30%
  • Improved startup speed of Launcher by using the user SID instead of looking up the full profile information
  • Re-arranged some internal startup code to better separate the launch window from the notifier and launch context
  • Added a message popup to notify the user when the Help can’t be launched due to a missing DLL (hhctrl.ocx usually)
  • Added a Continue button to show instead of Skip when waiting for User confirmation
  • Moved the context menu and notify icon to a new form so that it can be loaded seperate to the Launch form and therefore faster
  • Switched to native SID converter to see if slowdowns are gone for some users

Changes in version 3.0 build 300:

  • Removed the colour/bolding from certificate and microsoft items as it was too confusing
  • Added Error message if an Icon couldn’t be retrieved
  • Added prompt during install when Segoe UI font is corrupt or can’t create a bold variant
  • Added handler for UnauthorizedAccess when loading a shortcut
  • Improved the display of the Auto update information by splitting the changelists into versions instead of combining it all into one list
  • Fixed crash in Edit window when copying text to the clipboard and the clipboard is locked
  • Added fix for crash when querying a registry key that doesn’t exist
  • Added prompt to fix when “System.SystemException: The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed.” encountered
  • Fixed crash when a shortcut file could not be found (possibly due to permission issues)
  • Fixed crash “System.InvalidOperationException: This access control list is not in canonical form and therefore cannot be modified.”
  • Fixed the ordering of the Launch window
  • Improved the accuracy of the timer used to launch applications delayed by arbitrary values
  • Added an ‘All Users’ button to the Running Tasks tab which relaunches elevated and allows you to view all Tasks
  • Re-arranged the Quick edit panel for more clarity
  • Updated the Quick edit panel to include information about selection
  • Reduced the minimum size of the main window
  • Fixed disabling items that are delayed by an arbitrary value, so that they no longer lose the time you assigned. Now when you enable them again, the time will be restored, instead of reverting to an automatic delay
  • Modified the Invalid item font style to be bolded italics, and added the hint ‘Invalid or Missing Target’ to the Product name
  • Fixed the categorization of delayed arbitrary timed items in several windows such as the Deleted Applications
  • Removed the Ordinal prefix from the Application names for delayed items, so that you can sort by name. When re-ordering items, its best to sort by the Delay/Order column, which has now been made default for new installs
  • Added an Option to toggle the Prefixing of the Ordinal to Applications to the Options window
  • Fixed the icons in the Launch process window
  • Added the Delay/Order column to the Launch list
  • Added permission denied prompts anytime we are attempting to Serialize data to the All Users Data path and it fails
  • Fixed System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object when the Form was closing but the Notifier was being displayed

Version number 3.0 build 304
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008
Website r2 Studios
File size


License type Freeware/Paid
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