Download SpamSieve 2.4.2

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SpamSieve is an application for the Mac OS X platform that allows you to filter spam from your email messages. It uses Bayesian filtering techniques and integrates smoothly with various email programs such as Apple Mail, Emailer, Entourage, Eudora, GyazMail, Mailsmith and PowerMail. The developers have released version 2.4.2 with the following changes:

SpamSieve 2.4.2 is now available. It includes the following enhancements:

  • SpamSieve is now much better at catching a new type of spam message that previous versions had been inconsistent at catching.
  • Worked around some more spammer tricks to improve accuracy.
  • Improved the way message attachments are analyzed.
  • Fixed bug that could cause improper analysis of messages from Apple Mail or Eudora, leading to reduced accuracy.
  • Improved phish detection.
  • Improved the performance of the Apple Mail training commands on Tiger and Jaguar.
  • Made some changes to the way spam messages are colored in Apple Mail. Now, the most spammy color (blue) is reserved for messages with scores 99 or higher, ie messages that matched a blocklist rule, had encoded HTML parts, or were known to definitely be spam.
  • The Show Window command in Apple Mail can now open the SpamSieve help.
  • Under certain circumstances, SpamSieve can now detect at launch whether the application package is damaged, rather than too-quietly reporting errors in the log during message processing.
  • Improved the troubleshooting documentation.
  • Updated the Japanese localization.

Version number 2.4.2
Operating systems macOS
Website C-Command
File size


License type Shareware
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