Download Sophos XG Firewall 17.5.1 MR1

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Sophos has released a new version of its XG Firewall with 17.5.1 MR1 as the version number. This software runs on physical hardware as well as in a soft appliance for VMware, Hyper-V, Xen and KVM delivered. In addition to the paid variants for businesses, Sophos offers this firewall for home use at no cost, such as on this page can be read. For the various image and update files you can visit the MySophos Portal. The announcement of this release looks like this:

SFOS 17.5 MR1 Released

Hi XG Community!
We’ve finished SFOS v17.5.1 MR1. This release is available in stages. In first stage it will be available in Sophos Licensing Portal (formerly known as MySophos). We then start with a small amount of slots and will increase those over time. Later it will be available to all other installations as well.

Issues Resolved

  • NC-40856 [RP-SSO] Firewall page is not fully loaded when opened at very first time
  • NC-40112 [SFOS<>Central] Shutdown ssod service on tunnel disconnection from RP

Version number 17.5.1 MR1
Release status Final
Website Sophos
License type Freeware/Paid
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