Download SOGo 4.0.7

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Scalable uses the source code of and focuses on sharing calendars, contacts and emails. In addition, according to the developers, it is highly scalable and can be accessed via a web interface. Furthermore, modified versions of Mozilla Thunderbird and Lightning are included as clients. Other clients can also be used, such as Microsoft Outlook, or mobile devices. For more information, please refer to this page, where the documentation can be found. SOGo 4.0.7 has been released with the following changes:

SOGo v4.0.7 released

The Inverse team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of SOGo v4.0.7. This is a minor release of SOGo which focuses on improved stability over previous versions. Changes from the previous version

Bug fixes

  • [web] date validator now handles non-latin characters
  • [web] show the “reply all” button in more situations
  • [web] fixed CSS when printing message in popup window (#4674)
  • [i18n] added missing subject of appointment mail reminders (#4656)

With this release, Inverse also announces the immediate availability of version 60.0.2 of the SOGo Connector and SOGo Integrator extensions for Mozilla Thunderbird.

see the closed tickets for this release and the complete change log.

Version number 4.0.7
Release status Final
Operating systems Linux
Website SOGO
License type GPL
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