Download SOGo 2.3.6

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Scalable uses the source code of and focuses on sharing calendars, contacts and emails. In addition, according to the developers, it is highly scalable and can be accessed via a web interface. Furthermore, modified versions of Mozilla Thunderbird and Lightning are included as clients. Other clients can also be used, such as Microsoft Outlook, or mobile devices such as a BlackBerry. For more information, please refer to this page, where the documentation can be found. Version 2.3.6 has been released with the following changes and improvements:

New features

  • Now able to sync only default mail folders when using EAS


  • Unit testing for RTFHandler
  • JUnit output for sogo tests

Bug fixes

  • Don’t hide twice mail folder names (#3423)
  • Do not consider mobile Outlook EAS clients as DAV ones (#3431)
  • We now follow 301 redirects when fetching ICS calendars
  • When deleting an event using EAS, properly invoke the auto-scheduling code
  • Do not include failure attachments (really long filenames)
  • Fix encoding of email subjects with non-ASCII characters
  • Fix appointment notification mails using SOGoEnableDomainBasedUID configuration
  • Fix shifts in event times on Outlook

See the bug tracking system for the list of tickets closed with this release. You can also view the complete change log online.

Version number 2.3.6
Release status Final
Operating systems Linux
Website SOGO
License type GPL
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