Download Shotcut 19.01.24

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Shotcut is a comprehensive free, open source, and cross-platform video editing program for Windows, Linux, and macOS. It uses FFmpeg and therefore has support for the most common audio and video formats. The files are not imported, but are edited in their original format. It can handle multiple tracks and a mix of formats and resolutions can be used within a project. Version 19.01 of Shotcut was released last week with the following changes and improvements:

New Features

  • Added Center Playhead option to the Timeline and Keyframes menus.
  • Added Slow Zoom __, Hold __ presets to the Size and Position filter.
  • Added a Chroma Hold video filter.
  • Added a Swirl (HTML) video filter.
  • Added a simple Templates framework to the Overlay HTML filter (see path Shotcut\share\shotcut\qml\filters\webvfx\templates to add your own) with the following templates:
    • Blank HTML
    • Blue Middle Bar
    • Creative Commons Music
    • Blank with Web Animations
    • Simple Scroll


  • Fixed launch crash on Linux by excluding libdrm libraries.
  • Fixed audio level changed by the Mask : From File filter.
  • Fixed Text filter may have glitches with Export > Parallel processing (regression in v18.12.x).
  • Fixed missing file detected when Stabilize filter added without clicking Analyze.
  • Fixed external monitoring on Linux screen.
  • Fixed unable to detect hardware encoders with spaces in the installation folder path.
  • Fixed changing Speed ​​can move a clip.
  • Fixed changing Speed ​​has no effect when the system region and language decimal separators are different.
  • Fixed filter duration not adjusted when trimming a transition.
  • Fixed ripple trim when clip has a transition.
  • Fixed removing a transition by trimming adds some frames.
  • Fixed aspect ratio for File > Export Frame with non-square pixel video.
  • Fixed handling relative paths to external resources in the Overlay HTML editor.
  • Fixed a crash opening a project after removing the bottom video track.
  • Fixed the lossless/H.264 preset to be completely lossless.
  • Fixed dropping a file from a file manager whose name has special/extended characters (eg [, ]).
  • Fixed the state of the enabled checkbox for the Overlay HTML filter and when using a color picker.
  • Fixed distortion after changing the Keyframe Type of a keyframe for the Scale parameter in the Rotate and Scale filter.
  • Fixed right-clicking a keyframe to open context menu may change its position.

Changes and Improvements

  • Upgraded FFmpeg to v4.1
  • Improved Color Grading filter by letting all parameters go from -100% to 100%.
  • Added an automatic retry without Parallel processing when Export job fails.
  • Set the Save as type list on the Export File dialog on Windows when a preset defines a filename extension.

Version number 19.01.24
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, macOS, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website shot cut
License type GPL
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