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Rhino Software has released version of Serv-U. Serv-U is a small but extensive ftp server, which is available in the performances Bronze, Silver and Gold. Serv-U can be tried in the Gold version in the first 30 days. During that time, the software offers, among other things, an unlimited number of domains, user administration per domain and simultaneous connections, and it is possible to set up secure connections. After the thirty days, a key must be purchased. The free Personal Edition no longer exists. The following changes and improvements have been made in this release:

New features:

  • Added Application Indicator support for Unity desktops on Canonical Linux distributions (eg, Ubuntu 11.04).
  • Added HTTP buffer “sanity” limits to help avoid potential POST DoS attacks.
  • Updated OpenSSL libraries from 0.9.8r to 0.9.8t.
  • Added the use of the “426 Data connection unexpectedly closed.” to the PASV, EPSV, PORT, and EPRT commands.
  • Updated Swedish strings throughout the Engine, Management Console, and Web Client.
  • Install Russian MFC resource DLL for Russian language installations.
  • Install each available MFC local resource DLL in installation directory to provide proper localization support.
  • Improved Mobile Web Client layout to better support tablet devices by moving tool bar to the top of the page and adding dynamic image preview sizing based on device.
  • Updated Spanish and Russian strings for FTP Voyager JV and Web Client Pro.
  • Added the ability to play .m4a files within browsers other than Safari and those running on Apple computers.

Bug Fixes:

  • Corrected a bug, introduced in version, where the FTP data channel outbound sockets buffering was too large. On non-local connections Serv-U would believe all data was sent prior to it physically being sent to the client causing Serv-U to send the 226 response to the client long before the client received the data.
  • Corrected a potential but unlikely security problem where UNC path roots could be incorrectly compared between two UNC directory access rules where only the UNC root (eg, “\\Server-1\share\…” and “\\Server-2\ share…”) was the difference between the two rules. Drive roots (eg, “D:\…” and “C:\…”) were not affected.
  • Corrected a database table creation bug where columns could all be created as VARCHAR(32) limiting the space available for longer strings.
  • Corrected a bug where Serv-U would not start from the tray while Windows UAC was enabled and Serv-U was setup to run as a service.
  • Corrected a bug where the Serv-U Tray’s special “Documents” folder icon information was being incorrectly written to the Windows “Desktop.ini” file preventing Windows from showing the Serv-U Tray’s Theme folder icon.
  • Corrected a minor memory leak in the Tray application’s use of embedded Internet Explorer.
  • Corrected a Management Console and Web Client bug where certain elements would not work correctly when using Firefox version 10.0 browser.
  • Corrected a Management Console bug where validation for email input was not allowing legitimate email addresses.
  • Corrected a Management Console bug where context menus did not work on text areas.
  • Corrected a Management Console bug where selecting a cell in the “Template” column in the “SQL Templates” dialog would not allow editing of the “Value” column.
  • Corrected a bug in the Web Client where double clicking on a file or directory would trigger the “Move” command.
  • Corrected a bug in the Web Client where the “Image Preview” dialog was not large enough to support the long button labels used in the Spanish translations.
  • Corrected the Spanish Web Client Help Table of Contents translation.
  • Corrected a bug in FTP Voyager JV where similar file names were not being sorted correctly (eg, “New folder” vs. “New folder – Copy (1)” vs. “New folder – Copy (2)”).
  • Corrected a bug in Web Client Pro’s transfer queue where similar file names were not being sorted correctly (eg, “New folder” vs. “New folder – Copy (1)” vs. “New folder – Copy (2)”).

Serv-U screenshot, click on the image for a larger version.

Version number
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008
Website Rhino Software
File size


License type Shareware
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