Download SecureCRT 7.3.6

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VanDyke Software has released version 7.3.6 of SecureCRT. SecureCRT is, simply put, a extensive version of Putty. Slightly less simple, it is a client for remote control, file transfers and data tunneling using ssh. Ssh is a method of establishing a secure connection between two computers, in which both the data and part of the IP traffic are encrypted. SecureCRT is available for Windows, Linux, and OS X, and the price of a license starts at one hundred dollars. Since version 7.3.4, the following changes and improvements have been made:

Bug fixes Changes in SecureCRT 7.3.6:

  • The New Session wizard reported an error when an IPv6 address was entered as the hostname.
  • If the option “Show command window” was modified for the active session from the Session Options dialog, it did not take effect until the session was closed and re-opened.
  • When first switching from tiled to tabbed sessions, the session option “Show command window” was not honored.
  • If the command window was turned off while SecureCRT was in tiled mode and the application window was maximized, the sessions were not re-tiled automatically.
  • When the global option “Default transfer type” was set to “Prompt for type,” the option “Use this type for all files” was enabled.
  • SSH2: SecureCRT hung when attempting to connect to a session that used CAPI for public-key authentication if the personal store was empty.
  • Mac: SecureCRT crashed when attempting to do public-key authentication with a certificate in a format not supported by SecureCRT.
  • Mac: If a password for a session was saved in the OS X keychain and then the option to save to the keychain was turned off, when connecting to the session, the authentication prompt contained an incorrect password.
  • Mac: On OS X 10.11 (El Capitan), there were display issues with the San Francisco system font.

Bug fixes in SecureCRT 7.3.5:

  • An error was reported if a host was specified on the command line using an IPv6 address.
  • If a key was mapped to a key on the number pad and NUM LOCK was on, the mapped key did not honor the NUM LOCK setting.
  • Mac: On Yosemite (OS X 10.10), SecureCRT crashed at startup if the global settings contained an invalid value for the application window position or size.
  • Mac: If the option to reuse tabs was set and a tabbed session was disconnected and then another session was connected from the Session Manager, focus did not move into the session.
  • Mac/Linux: If the toolbar was unchecked in the View menu, it was displayed the next time SecureCRT started.

Version number 7.3.6
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, Windows XP, macOS, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website VanDyke Software
License type Shareware
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