Download SciTE 4.1.0

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Version 4.1.0 of SciTE has been released. Scintilla Text Editor is an open source and cross platform text editor. It uses the open source Scintilla Text Editor library, which is from the same creators. This library is also used by other programs, including Notepad++. Downloads are available for Windows and Linux, and a commercial version for macOS can be found in Apple’s app store. In addition, there is a stand-alone executable that can be conveniently carried on a USB stick. Since version 4.0.4, the following changes and improvements have been made:

Release 4.1.0

  • Experimental and incomplete support added for bidirectional text on Windows using DirectWrite and Cocoa for UTF-8 documents by calling SCI_SETBIDIRECTIONAL(SC_BIDIRECTIONAL_L2R). This allows documents that contain Arabic or Hebrew to be edited more easily in a way that is similar to other editors.
  • INDIC_GRADIENT and INDIC_GRADIENTCENTER indicator types added. INDIC_GRADIENT starts with a specified color and alpha at top of line and fades to fully transparent at bottom. INDIC_GRADIENTCENTER starts with a specified color and alpha at center of line and fades to fully transparent at top and bottom.
  • Wrap indent mode SC_WRAPINDENT_DEEPINDENT added which indents two tabs from previous line.
  • Indicators are drawn for line end characters when displayed.
  • Most invalid bytes in DBCS encodings are displayed as blobs to make problems clear and ensure something is shown.
  • On Cocoa, invalid text in DBCS encodings will be interpreted through the single-byte MacRoman encoding as that will accept any byte.
  • Diff lexer adds styles for diffs containing patches.
  • Crashes fixed on macOS for invalid DBCS characters when dragging text, changing case of text, case-insensitive searching, and retrieving text as UTF-8.
  • Regular expression crash fixed on macOS when linking to libstdc++.
  • SciTE on GTK+, when running in single-instance mode, now forwards all command line arguments to the already running instance. This allows “SciTE filename -goto:line” to work.

Release 4.0.5

  • Add experimental SC_DOCUMENTOPTION_TEXT_LARGE option to accommodate documents larger than 2 GigaBytes.
  • Additional print option SC_PRINT_SCREENCOLORS prints with the same colors used on screen including line numbers.
  • SciTE can read settings in EditorConfig format when enabled with editor.config.enable property.
  • EDIFACT lexer adds property lexer.edifact.highlight.un.all to highlight all UN* segments. Feature #1166.
  • Fortran folder understands “change team” and “end team”. Feature #1216.
  • Set the last X chosen when SCI_REPLACESEL called to ensure macros work when text insertion followed by caret up or down.
  • Bugs fixed in regular expression searches in Scintilla where some matches did not occur in an effort to avoid infinite loops when replacing on empty matches like “^” and “$”. Applications should always handle empty matches in a way that avoids infinite loops, commonly by incrementing the search position after replacing an empty match. SciTE fixes a bug where replacing “^” always matched on the first line even when it was an “in selection” replace and the selection started after the line start.
  • Bug fixed in SciTE where invalid numeric properties could crash.
  • Runtime warnings fixed with SciTE on GTK after using Find in Files.
  • SciTE on Windows find and replace strips place caret at end of text after search.
  • Bug fixed with SciTE on macOS where corner debris appeared in the margin when scrolling. Fixed by not completely hiding the status bar so the curved corner is no longer part of the scrolling region. By default, 4 pixels of the status bar remain visible and this can be changed with the statusbar.minimum.height property or turned off if the debris are not a problem by setting the property to 0.

Version number 4.1.0
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, macOS, Windows Vista, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website SciTE
License type GPL
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