Download SciTE 3.7.3

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Version 3.7.3 of SciTE has been released. Scintilla Text Editor is an open source and cross platform text editor. It uses the open source Scintilla Text Editor library, which is from the same creators. This library is also used by other programs, including Notepad++. Downloads are available for Windows and Linux, and a commercial version for macOS can be found in Apple’s app store. In addition, there is a stand-alone executable that can be conveniently carried on a USB stick. The following changes and improvements have been made in this release:

Release 3.7.3

  • Display block caret over the character at the end of a selection to be similar to other editors.
  • In SciTE you can choose colors for fold markers. Feature #1172.
  • In SciTE you can hide buffer numbers in tabs. Feature #1173.
  • The Diff lexer recognizes deleted lines that start with “— “.
  • The Lua lexer requires the first line to start with “#!” to be treated as a shebang comment, not just “#”. Bug #1900.
  • The Matlab lexer requires block comment start and end to be alone on a line. Bug #1902.
  • The Python lexer supports f-strings with new styles, allows Unicode identifiers, and no longer allows @1 to be a decorator. Bug #1848.
  • Fix folding inconsistency when fold header added above a folded part. Avoid unnecessary unfolding when a deletion does not include a line end. Bug #1896.
  • Fix finalization crash on Cocoa. Bug #1909.
  • SciTE on GTK+ can have a wide divider between the panes with the split.wide property.
  • Fix display of autocompletion lists and calltips on GTK+ 3.22 on Wayland. Newer APIs used on GTK+ 3.22 as older APIs were deprecated.
  • Fix crash in accessibility code on GTK+ due to signal receipt after destruction. Bug #1907.
  • Make trackpad scrolling work on Wayland. Bug #1901.

Version number 3.7.3
Release status Final
Website SciTE
License type GPL
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