Download SABnzbd 2.0.0 RC 3

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A new development version of SABnzbd 2.0 has been released. With SABnzbd files can be downloaded from usenet. This open source program is available for Windows, Linux and OS X, and offers the possibility to load nzb files, after which the correct files are picked from usenet. With the built-in web interface it is possible to operate the program via a web browser. The most important improvement in version 2.0 is SABYenc, a module that can quickly decode Usenet articles and thus ensure a higher download speed. Since beta 1, the following changes and improvements have been made:

Bug fixes since RC2

  • SABYenc incorrectly gave CRC errors on some articles, fixed in SABYenc v3.0.2
  • par2cmdline would fail to repair jobs with split posts (.001, etc)
  • The insecure Certificate Verification level ‘Default’ is now called ‘Minimal’
  • Show warning if job is paused because it appears cloaked
  • Fixed QuickCheck renaming issues
  • Unexpected characters in CRC part of an article could crash the Decoder

New in 2.0.0: SABYenc

  • To improve SABnzbd’s performance on systems where CPU power is limiting
    download speed, we developed a new C-module called SABYenc to accelerate the
    decoding of usenet articles that can use multiple threads and is more efficient.
    Not only low-powered systems like NAS’s or Raspberry Pi’s benefit, with this
    new module speeds can increase up to 2x compared to 1.xx releases on any
    system where the connection/newsserver capacity was not fully used.
    The Windows and macOS releases automatically include this module, for other
    platforms an installation guide can be found here:

Changes/improvements in 2.0.0:

  • Windows and macOS releases now also come in 64bit versions.
    The installers will install the appropriate version automatically.
    Therefore, on 64bit Windows the installation directory will change to
    ‘Program Files’ instead of ‘Program Files (x86)’.
    On Windows our tests showed an additional 5-10% gain in download speed
    when using 64bit SABnzbd on 64bit Windows.
  • Linux: Detect if Multicore Par2 is installed.
    Multicore Par2 is now easily available through the PPA and other channels:
  • Post-processing scripts now get additional job information via SAB environment
  • Certificate Validation set to Strict for newly added newsservers
    In case of problems, see:
  • Removed Secondary Web Interface option

Smaller changes/improvements in 2.0.0

  • Schedule items can now be enabled and disabled
  • HTTP redirects in interface are now relative URLs
  • Moved some lesser used settings to Config->Specials
  • Cache usage is now updated continuously in the Status Window
  • On macOS SABnzbd was set to have low IO-priority, this is now set to normal
  • Previously set password is now shown on Retry
  • Remove listquote module dependency
  • Warn if Complete folder is on FAT filesystem (4GB size limit)

Bug fixes in 2.0.0

  • Malformed articles could break the Downloader
  • Retry ADMIN data saving 3x before giving error
  • Checking for encryption during downloading could fail
  • QuickCheck could crash when renaming already renamed files
  • skip_dashboard set to 1 by default in fullstatus API call
  • Top-only switch now really only downloads top job
  • Unblock Server button did not work
  • Linux: Warn in case encoding is not set to UTF-8
  • Windows: Incomplete folders would sometimes end in a dot

Bug fixes since RC 1

  • SABYenc updated to version 2.8.0 due to failure to decode some articles
  • If SABYenc was missing it could result in crashes
  • Checking for encryption during downloading could fail
  • QuickCheck could crash when renaming already renamed files
  • skip_dashboard set to 1 by default in fullstatus API call

Changes since Beta 1

  • API changes: history and queue calls now only contain History/Queue
    information. All other information can still be found in full status.
    qstatus is now identical to queue call.
    get_files now reports unique nzf_id for each file.
  • Windows: improved Windows installer, now detects if service is running
    and will remove the correct previous installation.

Bug fixes since Beta 1

  • Fix crashing Downloader when Quota were set
  • Top-only switch now really only downloads top job
  • Fix broken web server HTTPS for extra bound ports (eg IPv6)
  • Remove listquote module dependency
  • Starting with “-w” parameter would fail
  • Previously set password shown on Retry
  • Unblock Server button did not work
  • Warn if Complete folder is on FAT filesystem (4GB size limit)
  • Deleting a downloading job could produce write errors
  • Windows: Incomplete folders would sometimes end in a dot
  • Linux: Detect Multicore Par2 more generally

Upgrade notices

  • Windows: When starting the Post-Processing script, the path to the job folder
    is no longer in short-path notation but includes the full path. To support
    long paths (>255), you might need to alter them to long-path notation (\?).
  • Schedule items are converted when upgrading to 2.xx and will break when
    reverted back to pre-2.xx releases.
  • The organization of the download queue is different from 0.7.x releases.
    So 2.xx will not see the existing queue, but you can go to Status->QueueRepair
    and “Repair” the old queue.

Version number 2.0.0 RC 3
Release status beta
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, macOS, Windows Vista, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website SABnzbd
File size


License type GPL
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