Download SABnzbd 2.0.0 beta 1

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The first beta release of SABnzbd 2.0 has been released. With SABnzbd files can be downloaded from usenet. This open source program is available for Windows, Linux and OS X, and offers the possibility to load nzb files, after which the correct files are picked from usenet. With the built-in web interface it is possible to operate the program via a web browser. The most important improvement in version 2.0 is SABYenc, a module that can quickly decode Usenet articles and thus ensure a higher download speed. Since the alpha, the following improvements have been made:

Changes since Alpha 1

  • Windows and macOS releases now also come in 64bit versions.
    The installers will install the appropriate version automatically.
    Therefore, on 64bit Windows the installation directory will change to
    ‘Program Files’ instead of ‘Program Files (x86)’.
    On Windows our tests showed an additional 5-10% gain in download speed
    when using 64bit SABnzbd on 64bit Windows.
  • Linux: Detect if Multicore Par2 is installed.
    Multicore Par2 is now easily available through the PPA and other channels

Bug fixes since Alpha 1

  • Not all servers with same priority were tried
  • Unzip on Windows was not working
  • Unrar on Windows could hang
  • Restarting SABnzbd sometimes failed
  • Reported ‘Unknown encoding’ warnings for some downloads
  • Error on renaming a job in Plush
  • Always show Queue search box when multi-editing
  • SABnzbd password not displayed in plain text in the Config

Version number 2.0.0 beta 1
Release status beta
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, macOS, Windows Vista, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website SABnzbd
File sizes

11.60MB – 22.49MB

License type GPL
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