Download SABnzbd 1.0.1

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Version 1.0.1 SABnzbd has been released. With SABnzbd files can be downloaded from usenet. This open source program is available for Windows, Linux and OS X, and offers the possibility to load nzb files, after which the correct files are picked from usenet. With the built-in web interface it is possible to operate the program via a web browser. This release fixes several minor issues that have surfaced since the release of version 1.0.

What’s new in 1.0.1

  • Prevent creating orphan items in “incomplete” when deleting downloading jobs.
  • Forced item with missing articles caused overflow into paused jobs
  • Do QuickCheck even on files that would be removed by the Cleanup-list (problematic for RAR files).
  • Fix “Download all par2 files” behavior
  • Treat ambiguous numeric values ​​as number of minutes for custom pause time.
  • Accept MIME records that have only LF line endings (error in some third-party utilities)
  • Fix PushOver support.
  • Fix breaking Glitter bug with large script_log
  • Fix issues with deleting jobs via the API
  • Fix issue where Sonarr could not read using the History API
  • Increase default cache to 450M
  • The pre-queue script can now return an accept value of 2, meaning immediate failure. (Useful for Sonarr.)
  • Add start script for portable Windows installations

Version number 1.0.1
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, Windows XP, macOS, Windows Vista, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website SABnzbd
File sizes

10.08MB – 33.30MB

License type GPL
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