Download SABnzbd 0.7.1

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Version 0.7.1 of SABnzbd has been released. With this program files from usenet can be downloaded. The open source application is available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. The program offers the possibility to load nzb files, after which the correct files are picked from usenet. With the built-in web interface it is possible to operate the program via a web browser.

New in version 0.7.0 includes the ability to set download quotas. Furthermore, under Windows an icon is now displayed in the system tray, the Growl notification program is no longer only supported on Mac OS X, but on all platforms and there is an experimental option that can check whether all files of a download are actually present. Version 0.7.1 is a so-called bugfix release and should fix the following issues:

Fixed in 0.7.1

  • Fixed problem were fetching par2 files after first verification could stall in the queue
  • Fixed retry behavior of NZB fetching from URL (with handling of error codes)
  • Verification/repair would not be executed properly when one more RAR files missed their first article.
  • Improved backup of sabnzbd.ini file, now uses backup when original is gone or corrupt
  • Several translations extended/improved
  • Plush skin: fix problems with pull-down menus in Mobile Safari
  • On some Linux and OSX systems using localhost would still make SABnzbd give access to other computers
  • Windows: the installer did not set an icon when associating NZB files with SABnzbd
  • Fix problem that the Opera browser had with Config->Servers
  • Retry a few times when accessing a mounted drive to create the final destination folder
  • Minor fixes in Window Tray icon and OSX top menu
  • Add no_ipv6 special for systems that keep having issues with [::1]
  • Fix crash in QuickCheck when expected par2 file wasn’t downloaded
  • API calls “addurl” and “addid” (newzbin) can now be used interchangeably
  • Fix endless par2-fetch loop after retrying failed job
  • Don’t send “bad fetch” email when emailing is off
  • Add some support for’s non-VIP limiting
  • Fix signing of OSX DMG

Version number 0.7.1
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows 2000, Windows XP, macOS, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008
Website SABnzbd
File sizes

10.70MB – 18.20MB

License type GPL
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