Download RoundCube Webmail 1.5 Beta

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A development version of Roundcube Webmail version 1.5 has been released. The main feature of this PHP-written email web client is that Ajax technology is used to display the user interface, which gives a modern and smooth impression. Roundcube Webmail includes support for shared folders and namespaces, internationalized domain names and smtp-delivery status notifications. In addition, the user interface for imap folders has been modified to provide more space for extensions and plugins. The release notes for this release can be found below:

Roundcube 1.5 beta released

We proudly announce the beta release for the next major version 1.5 of Roundcube webmail. With this milestone we introduce new features and long-awaited improvements. The most noteworthy additions are:

  • PHP 8.0 support
  • OAuth2/XOauth support
  • Dark mode for Elastic skin
  • Collected recipients and trusted senders
  • Moving recipients between inputs with drag & drop
  • Full unicode support with MySQL database
  • cache refactoring

Adding support for PHP 8 required some deep refactoring of the Roundcube codebase which started with early PHP 5 versions. However, this refactoring also was a bit of a cleaning procedure and resulted in more testable components.

In case you’re running Roundcube directly from source or if you’re not using the complete package, you need to install 3rd party javascript modules using the bin/ script. With this release the toolchain required to build a functional package has changed a bit:

  • bin/ replaced google-closure-compiler with UglifyJS
  • bin/ replaced yuicompressor with csso
  • Elastic theme: require lessc >= 2.5.2 (and add support for v4) with less-plugin-clean-css

See the full changelog in the release notes on the Github download page.

This is a beta release and we recommend to test it on a separate environment. And don’t forget to backup your data before installing it.

Version number 1.5 beta
Release status beta
Operating systems script language
Website RoundCube
File size


License type GPL
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