Download RJ TextEd 13.90

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Version 13.90 of RJ TextEd has been released. This free Swedish-made text editor has several features, which are especially interesting for software and web developers, such as syntax highlighting, autocompletion, extensive selection and sorting options and an embedded (s)ftp client. The program is being developed for Windows, but can also be used under Linux via Wine. The following improvements have been made in this release:

Version 13.90

I’ve written my own version of Emmet in Delphi (object pascal). It’s not based on the Emmet JavaScript plugin code at all, so there are some minor differences and probably some things not implemented (yet).

The Delphi version is compiled to native machine code which makes it much much faster. And it enables me to add some new functionality. It also works on Windows XP.

Abbreviation auto completion list

Press ALT+ENTER to display all available abbreviations from the text clips panel, Emmet snippets and Emmet abbreviations in a list. The list will also display any favorites you may have added.

Press ENTER to select an abbreviation. It’s inserted as is and not expanded. This allows you to combine abbreviations and snippets to create your own abbreviation. To expand the abbreviation – press SHIFT+ENTER.

If text is selected – the abbreviation will wrap the selected text.

Eg if the lines below are selected: 1. First line. 2. Second line. and you select an abbreviation favorite like “ul>li*”, the selection is replaced with

  • 1. First line.
  • 2. Second line.

when you hit ENTER.

Abbreviation hint

Press SHIFT+CTRL+ENTER to show a hint displaying what the expanded code will look like. To expand the abbreviation you can just press ENTER (as long as the hint is visible). You can also use SHIFT+ENTER to expand the abbreviation.

Expand abbreviation at cursor

This function will now expand both user defined abbreviations in the text clip panel and Emmet abbreviations. Type an abbreviation in your document. Eg “ul>li*5” in an HTML document or “for” in a PHP document. Press SHIFT+ENTER to expand the abbreviation.

If you set a key as a trigger – you can use that as well to expand the abbreviation. Eg the TAB key.

Note that you can use SHIFT+CTRL+ENTER to preview the abbreviation before expanding it.

Expand abbreviation using input box

Added a hint that is displayed as you type the abbreviation, so you can preview the result.

Open as normal with CTRL+, and enter your abbreviation inside. A hint pops up showing the expanded code.

The hint is displayed when you wrap with abbreviations (SHIFT+CTRL+,) as well.

Abbreviation tab points

Move the text cursor to the next tab position using the TAB key.

A tab point can look something like this: {#1} or {#2: Document}.

If the tab point contain text eg {#2: Document} contain the text “Document”, it will be selected when moving to the tab position.

Vendor prefix in abbreviations

In eg CSS you can start an abbreviation with a vendor prefix.

Eg -moz-ac expands to -moz-align-content: ; -webkit-ac expands to -webkit-align-content: ; ac expands to align-content: ;

There are three macro prefixes you can use to expand into different properties with different vendor prefixes. -v-, -w- and -m-.

Eg -v-ac -webkit-align-content: |; -moz-align-content: |; align-content: |; -w-ac -webkit-align-content: |; align-content: |; -m-ac -moz-align-content: |; align-content: |;

Note that | is a multi cursor position so you can edit all lines at the same time.

Abbreviation favorites

Favorites are display at the top of the abbreviation auto complete list (ALT+ENTER). Manage favorites in the abbreviation input box (CTRL+,).

Find and Replace options

Added two new options to skip strings or comments when finding a match. The options only affect documents that are already open. They are not available when searching eg a folder.


  • Move line up/down in a detached editor window.
  • Decimal issue in convert panel.
  • Issue in regular expression creator.
  • Spell check issue.
  • Misc issues found while coding or reported by users.

Version number 13.90
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website Rickard Johansson
File size


License type Freeware
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