Download Rainmeter 4.4 r3397 beta

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Version 4.4 of Rainmeter is in development and a new test version has been released. This program can display all kinds of useful, but also less meaningful information on the desktop in real time, such as free hard drive space, network activity and whether there is new e-mail. Functional applets can also be used to, for example, make notes or send tweets. Since the previous entry in the Downloads, the following changes and improvements have been made:

Changes in revision 3397:

  • Added: SysInfo plugin: Added new LAST_SLEEP_TIME and LAST_WAKE_TIME measurements to the SysInfoType option.
  • Fixed: Skin Packager: Corrected an issue with the Variables files functionality of the Skin Packager when an empty value was used for variable.

Changes in revision 3382:

  • Fixed: Skins: Fixed a rendering issue when loading skins on Windows 7.

Changes in revision 3380:

  • Changed: Bangs: Changed the !SetWindowPosition and !SetAnchor bangs to support (formulas) in the values.

Changes in revision 3373:

  • Added: Bangs: Added a new !SetWindowPosition bang to allow for dynamically setting the WindowX and WindowY position, and optionally AnchorX and AnchorY anchor settings for a skin window.
  • Added: Bangs: Added a new !SetAnchor bang to allow for dynamically setting the AnchorX and AnchorY anchor settings for a skin window.

Changes in revision 3360:

  • Added: Rainmeter: You can now hold down CTRL while starting Rainmeter to load in Safe Start fashion.
  • Added: WebParser: Added a Flags option to parent WebParser measures to enable setting some flags that change the behavior of WebParser when connecting to a remote resource. Details at Flags documentation.
  • Changed: Fileview Plugin: Made some internal changes that should improve performance.

Changes in revision 3354:

  • Added: About / Skins: You can now right-click and copy the name of a measure from the dialog.

Changes in revision 3353:

  • Added: Ping plugin: Added support for IPv6 addresses.

Version number 4.4 r3397 beta
Release status beta
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website rain gauge
File size 2.38MB
License type GPL
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